The Intellectual World of Late Tokugawa

Quiz Content

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. What did the oath 'for the realm, for Nobunaga' indicate?

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. Where was the main shrine of the Tokugawa family?

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. The prayers of Ryukyu ambassadors at the Tokugawa shrines was indicative of...

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. Suzuki Shozan, Yamasaki Ansai, and Hayashi Razan were all philosophers working in which intellectual tradition?

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. What was the object of the study of honzogaku?

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. What was the object of study of kogaku?

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. Recent studies of Tokugawa intellectual movements have revealed...

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. Puppet shows and other entertainment ...

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. Tokugawa visual artists did NOT produce popular images of which of the following?

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. What was a ronin?

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. Which of the following was NOT a sumptuary law enacted by the bakufu...r?

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. How did the samurai secure access to high-ranking positions in the Tokugawa government?

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. The Mito daimyo's New Year ceremony reflected what idea?

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. Which of the following was NOT a major reform effort in the Tokugawa period?

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. Tanuma Okitsugu's economic policies included expanding links with which of the following territories?

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. Which of the following activities did affluent farmers NOT engage in during the 18th century?

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. Hirata Atsutane and his successors promoted which of the following ideas...

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. Aizawa Yasushi's New Theses did NOT contain which of the following?

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. Which of the following expressions of religiosity did NOT occur in Tokugawa Japan?

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. What was the ideal period many reformers in the late 18th and 19th centuries believed the country should try to return to?

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