The First Humans

Quiz Content

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. Neandertals appear to have evolved specialized adaptations to ____________. They died out soon after ___________ years ago.

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. How do we know Neandertal children suffered more dietary deficiencies and physical stress than anatomically modern humans?

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. Which of the following refers to horizontal cracks in tooth enamel, associated with malnutrition during physical development?

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. Which of the following lithic technologies involved greater efficiency, required more forethought in preparing a core, and is considered more advanced or sophisticated?

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. Based on the available evidence, where did pressure flaking and blade tools first originate?

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. Which of the following refers to longitudinal cracks at the ends of long bones, indicating dietary stress during physical development?

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. The stone-tool assemblage at Klasies River Mouth on the coast of South Africa is associated with the:

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. Stone tool assemblages from L'Arbreda Cave in eastern Spain, El Castillo Cave in northern Spain, and BachoKiro Cave in Bulgaria are associated with the:

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. In contrast to anatomically modern humans, premodern or archaic Homo sapienfossils are generally characterized by:

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. Which is the correct chronological order for the following tool traditions, from oldest or earliest, to youngest (more recent)?

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. In comparison to modern humans, the greater size and robustness of muscle attachments on the bones of Neandertals can be described as:

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. Based on the fossil evidence, how long ago were premodern or archaic Homo sapiens living?

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. The mean cranial capacity for Neandertals was ___________, while the mean cranial capacity for modern humans is ___________.

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. Which species has a proportionally larger brain based on the ratio of brain size to body size?

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. Levallois technology involved a shift in emphasis from the production of:

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. In what way were Neandertals physically different from modern Homo sapiens?

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. Which tool technology is associated with anatomically modern Homo sapiens?

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. Which tool technology is most closely associated with Neandertals?

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. How can Aurignacian tool technology be distinguished from Oldowan, Acheulean and Mousterian traditions?

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. In contrast to premodernHomo sapiens and Neandertals, what was a key factor in the survival and evolutionary success of anatomically modern humans?

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. Recent genomic analyses of Neandertals and modern humans indicate:

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. Recent genomic analyses of Neandertals and modern humans indicate:

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. For which of the following is there evidence for Neandertals?

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. How did Aurignacian technology differ from Mousterian technology?

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. Which "hybridized" lithic technology has much in common with the Mousterian tradition but differs in the addition of long, thin blade tools?

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. Which of the following refers to a stone-tool technology involving the production of consistently shaped flakes from carefully prepared cores?

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. Why are Neandertals a relatively better-known species of premodern humans?

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. The Omo I cranium discovered along the Omo River in southern Ethiopia demonstrates:

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. There is general consensus among paleoanthropologists that anatomically modern humans:

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. When anatomically modern humans first arrived in the Middle East, who did they encounter?

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. Which of the following is evidence for interbreeding between anatomically modern humans and Neandertals?

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. What is the evidence that gene flow between Neandertals and anatomically modern humans occurred after modern humans migrated out of Africa?

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. Analysis of the Denisovan, Neandertal, and modern human genomes indicates:

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. Which of the following appears to be a hybridization of Neandertal and modern human stone tool technologies?

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. The earliest evidence for the expansion of anatomically modern Homo sapiens out of Africa is found in _________ and dates ___________.

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. The evolutionary success and geographic expansion of modern Homo sapiens can be attributed to:

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. The oldest fossil remains of anatomically modern Homo sapiens have been found in:

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. The oldest fossil remains of anatomically modern Homo sapiens date between:

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. Anatomically modern Homo sapiens lived at the same time as, and probably encountered which species?

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. DNA analysis of bones found in Denisova Cave indicate the Denisovans:

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