African Roots

Quiz Content

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. Studies of nonhuman primates indicate the ability to make and use tools:

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. The innominate is made up of the:

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. The ability to run may have evolved as highly advantageous in hunting and scavenging. This provides a possible explanation for the evolution of __________ in hominins, as seen in the proportionally broader _____________.

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. Fossil specimens of Australopithecus africanus can be distinguished from Australopithecus afarensis as being less:

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. Morphological changes in fossil hominins over more than 6 million years provide substantive evidence that:

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. The earliest known primate ancestors of humans date from the:

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. Moving through trees by swinging arm over arm is called:

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. Which of the following fossil hominins exhibits the earliest evidence for bipedalism?

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. _______________ consists of simple chopping tools and sharp flakes probably made by _______________.

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. The argument in favor of hominids making and using stone tools by at least 3.3 million years ago is supported by:

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. To which species does the fossil hominin Lucy belong?

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. The mean size of a Homo habilis brain is approximately:

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. The earliest hominins are distinguished by the development of:

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. Australopithecus africanus appears to date no later than around 2.2 million years ago. After this time, the fossil hominin record becomes ___________, with the appearance of species such as ______________.

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. The evolutionary histories of different kinds of organisms and their relationships to each other are illustrated as a:

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. Recent research on hominid species dating from the Middle Pliocene indicates:

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. Which of the following fossil hominins is distinguished as having the largest cranial capacity?

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. A hammerstone is used by a knapper to remove ________ from a ________, providing the earliest evidence of stone tool production by hominins.

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. The cranial capacity of Australopithecus is in the range of approximately:

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. Based on the available evidence, which of the following evolved first among hominids?

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. From which of the following primates did humans evolve?

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. Which primates are most closely related to humans?

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. At the end of the Miocene, many species of apes became extinct due to:

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. Having a forward-thrusting lower face is called:

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. Recent research with stone tool replication and brain imaging suggests:

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. Which of the following is NOT true about the first apes?

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A recent study of Ardipithecus ramidus suggests:

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. Which of the following is NOT a viable hypothesis for why hominins began walking on two legs?

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. During the late Miocene, carbon isotope analysis indicates environmental changes that would have impacted hominins. These changes are best characterized as:

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. Research on C3 and C4 pathways indicates that changes in plant communities 7 million years ago involved:

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. The location of the __________ can best determine if a fossil primate was a quadruped or biped.

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. Genetic analysis indicates that humans and chimpanzees have been evolving separately for no more than about _____________.

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. What do Homo sapiens and Australopithecus afarensis have in common?

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. Which species was first associated with the earliest manufacture and use of stone tools?

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. The first hominins or human ancestors can be described as:

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. How can paleoanthropologists determine if a fossil species was bipedal?

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. Which is the correct chronological order for the following fossil hominins, from earliest to latest?

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. Based on the available evidence, which of the following evolved earliest or first among hominins?

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. Which of the following fossil hominins is most closely associated with the earliest known stone tool technology?

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