An Explosion of Complexity: North America

Quiz Content

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. Snaketown covers more than one square mile and had a well-developed _____________; it was the largest village of the _______.

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. Documentation of the Natchez tribe during the eighteenth century provides historical analogies in understanding which culture?

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. Hohokam villages consisted of multiple sets of separate clusters of 2 to 10 residential structures known as __________________.

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. DNA analysis of skeletal remains found in Room 33 at Pueblo Bonito provides evidence of:

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. Ancestral Puebloan culture in Chaco Canyon was comprised of:

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. The cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde in southwestern Colorado are associated with which culture?

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. The culture sometimes known as the temple mound builders based their subsistence primarily on ________________.

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. The social and political complexity of the Ancestral Puebloans rapidly increased soon after ________, as seen in the construction of ______________.

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. The largest, most populous city in pre-Columbian North America is found at _______.

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. Which culture is associated with the Middle Woodland period throughout the North American Midwest?

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. Around ________ years ago, Ancestral Puebloans developed a subsistence system based on maize agriculture, as well as traditional foraging.

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. The earthwork at ___________, known to archaeologists as _____________ contained copper tubes, a large concentration of mica, more than 700 stone projectile points, thousands of shell beads, and the burials of more than 270 people, including the remains of 53 females who had been sacrificed, and an adult male interred on a platform with 20,000 marine shells in the shape of a bird.

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. Which of the following people established permanent, sedentary residences in the Southwest?

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. Which culture is associated with the Early Woodland period in the Ohio River valley?

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. Which of the following means "ancient enemies" in Navajo and has now been replaced with the term "Ancestral Puebloan"?

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. Mississippian platform mounds, such as Monk's mound, served as:

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. Which of the following was not an important part of Hopewell subsistence?

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. Which culture produced evidence for the greatest complexity in terms of wealth, status, and population densities?

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. Evidence from northwest coast societies indicates __________ is ultimately needed for the development of social complexity.

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. Hopewell culture was characterized by:

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. The Hohokam appear to have borrowed which practice from Mesoamerica?

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. The largest city in pre-Columbian North America had _______ and at its peak, had a population of approximately _________.

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. The largest of the Great Houses in Chaco Canyon is called _______; it consisted of five stories and around ____________ rooms.

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. Kivas were ___________ where people ___________.

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. Why did the Mogollon leave their homeland?

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. The expedition of Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto encountered the direct descendants of which people?

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. The native peoples of the northwest coast of North America can be best described as:

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. What may have caused the abandonment of Mesa Verde?

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. Native Northwest Coast societies redistributed wealth in a celebration known as a:

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. According to Timothy Pauketat, the evidence for social stratification and political power at Cahokia suggests:

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