Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions

Making decisions in business ethics: Descriptive ethical theories

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. What is the correct order of the four stages of ethical decision making from a rationalist perspective (Rest, 1986)?
1. Intent - moral intent is established, which may be referred to as moral motivation, decision or determination;
2. Judgement - the decision making itself, sometimes called moral evaluation or moral reasoning;
3. Behaviour - acting on the intentions through one's behaviour, can be referred to as action or implementation.
4. Awareness - becoming aware that there is a moral issue at stake.

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. ________ reasoning is considered by many to be prevalent within society and particularly within businesses, where it is often referred to in the form of a ___________.

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. Factors that impact ethical decision making can be broadly broken down into ________ factors, related to the unique characteristics of a person, and _________ factors, which are features of the person's environment or the particular issue.

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. The Theory of _________ posits that 3 three levels of moral reasoning exist which an individual can engage in to assess ethical issues, dependant on their cognitive capacity.

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. The extent to which an individual believes they can control their life is determined by their __________.

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. _________ are individual beliefs about desirable behaviours and goals that are stable over time and which influence decision making.

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. The extent to which an individual is able to creatively consider the consequences of, resolutions to, and issues associated with moral decision making is known as _________.

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. ___________, ___________ and __________ are all factors which can impact the moral intensity

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. ________ is the use of language of to mask or expose the ethical nature of decisions, actions and behaviours.

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. _______, where actors are convinced that their actions harms nobody, _______ where actors argue that their norm violation is an attempt to realize higher-order values and ________ , where actors argue they are owed something, are all strategies for justifying or denying unethical behaviour.

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