Speciesism and the Idea of Equality, Bonnie Steinbock

Quiz Content

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. Steinbock argues that human lives are

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. Being capable of altruistic motivation requires that one have the capacity to

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. Regarding nonhumans, Steinbock believes humans are morally

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. According to Steinbock, the value of a being’s life is not easily separated from the value of its

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. About severely handicapped humans, normal humans may have which of the following morally correct attitudes?

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. Steinbock accepts Singer’s claim that it is wrong to weigh human interests more heavily than those of animals.

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. Steinbock rejects as groundless the idea that humans have special moral value.

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. Steinbock believes that having a desire for self-respect requires intellectual abilities typical of human beings.

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. Steinbock claims that Singer’s position relies on treating sentience alone as the source of a being’s moral value.

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. Steinbock believes that feeling and sentiment have little relevance within philosophically mature moral thinking.

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