Gender Bias, Cheshire Calhoun

Quiz Content

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. Calhoun claims the following are obstacles individuals face in attempting to take others’ interests seriously:

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. In an attempt to overcome egoism and group bias, which of the following is not, in Calhoun’s view, a risk:

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. Calhoun’s central objection can be summarized as which of the following?

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. Calhoun argues that in assessing moral theories we should

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. Calhoun worries that the search for a “moral self” may be counterproductive if we

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. Calhoun regards one’s identification with particular social groups as a potential barrier to taking others’ rights and interests seriously.

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. Calhoun would likely deny that there are morally significant differences between genders.

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. Our preferences may themselves be the product of oppressive circumstances.

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. Calhoun regards the project of identifying a “moral self” as the product of sloppy moral thinking.

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. Calhoun believes that non-philosophic factors like the theorist’s social role can exert a significant influence on his or her philosophic reasoning about morality.

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