Chapter 13 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. The British public’s expectations about access to details of Queen Elizabeth’s family life changed after

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. _______ felt that the only way to keep Germany from becoming a threat once again was to split it up into several weak, separate states.

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. Eastern European economies lagged behind the West because

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. After World War II, nearly ________ German refugees were pushed out of Eastern Europe.

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. Britain, France, and West Germany used funds from the Marshall Plan to

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. By the mid-1950s, Britain had decided

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. The postwar period saw European countries

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. Stalin established control over the governments in Central and Eastern Europe

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. In response to De Gaulle’s declaration that Algeria should be allowed “self-determination,” Algeria’s European inhabitants

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. The U.S., Britain, and the Soviet Union agreed to split up Germany into zones of occupation when they met for a conference in

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. ________ did not participate in the European Coal and Steel Community.

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. Many Eastern Europeans were convinced that the Soviets might loosen their control of their satellite countries when Nikita Khrushchev

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. In France, Charles de Gaulle promoted the idea that

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. In response to the Western powers decision to turn their German occupation zones into a new West German political entity, rather than reunite the country, the Soviets

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. The joint British and French attack on Egypt was prompted by

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. The West’s explosive economic growth in the 1960s was fueled by

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. Which of the following was not an outcome of the Vatican Council known as Vatican II?

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