Chapter 06 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. According to George Sand, men’s greatest crime against women was

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. The Holy Alliance, formed to intervene in countries vulnerable to revolution and prevent the spread of unrest, was composed of

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. The demands of the Russian group known as Decembrists included

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. European leaders’ goal during the so-called Restoration was to

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. Support of progress, education, freedom, and individual rights characterized the ideology known as

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. Under Czar Nicholas, Russian education was based on three fundamental principles:

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. The gathering at which a new post-Napoleonic framework of rules and relations among states was negotiated was called the

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. The belief that emotion was more fundamental to humans than rationality, the glorification of the individualistic hero, and opposition to industrialization were characteristic of the ideology known as

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. Polish attempts at rebellion were hampered by

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. The negotiations that followed the first defeat of Napoleon had to settle two key issues, known as

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. German liberals sought to advance their goals

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. William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson believed that slavery would end

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. Britain’s earliest socialist visionary, who put his ideology into action in a textile mill by improving worker conditions, was

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. Britain’s Reform Bill, passed in 1832, was designed to

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. The June Days uprising in France was triggered by

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