Chapter 05 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. One the keys to the success of Richard Arkwright’s cotton mill was

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. The growing British wool industry drew many people to the cities for work, requiring increased productivity from the remaining farmers to feed so many urban workers. One of the key innovations that enabled this was

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. The greatest contribution of the iron industry in Britain, which took off once coal became a reliable power source, was

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. The disadvantages of using water to power cotton spinning machines included the necessity of placing mills near streams and rivers and

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. The high price of wood in Britain ultimately led to

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. The prosperity of French farmers in the early 19th century was limited by

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. Prior to the industrial revolution, agricultural production was limited by

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. In the first half of the 18th century, the main appeal of cotton cloth was

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. Belgium’s key advantages when it became a country in 1830 were its proximity to markets in Britain, France, Germany, and the Netherlands and

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. British inventors and entrepreneurs were driven to develop new technology and processes in the late 18th century for several reasons, which did not include

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. The growing demand for cotton in the first half of the 18th century could not be met using traditional methods, due to a bottleneck at the stage of

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. Britain’s primogeniture laws pushed second and third sons of aristocratic families into business and commerce, which

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. Newfound British prosperity in the 16th century was driven by

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. The spinning jenny was invented by

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. The stagnation, or even drop, in real wages (that is, pay in relation to living expenses) during the industrial revolution was caused by

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. Between 1800 and 1850, London’s population

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. The Poor Laws, as reformed in 1834 to require those seeking assistance to enter a workhouse, reflected the government’s new focus on

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. Some parents opposed laws regulating child labor because

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. Select the correct order in which these innovations in textile production developed:

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