Further Development 14.2: Defining Ventricular and Outer Radial Glia and Their Intermediate Progenitors

Brain Growth

The oRG cells always maintain contact between their basal process and the pial surface; however, they are no longer tethered to the apical surface, and their soma reside in the subventricular zone and are therefore “outer” relative to vRG (Lui et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2011). Both vRG and oRG can divide to produce IP cells (see Figure 14.9C, D). IP cells have limited proliferative capacity, normally being able to undergo only a single round of division, yet during neurogenesis they play a pivotal role as a progenitor cell population for the specific expansion of particular lineages. It is generally thought that cell type potency (i.e., the cell types a progenitor can give rise to) becomes more restricted from vRG to oRG, with IP cells showing the most lineage restriction (Noctor et al. 2004; Lui et al. 2011).

Literature Cited

Lui, J. H., D. V. Hansen, and A. R. Kriegstein. 2011. Development and evolution of the human neocortex. Cell 146: 18–36.
PubMed Link

Noctor, S. C., V. Martínez-Cerdeño, L. Ivic and A. R. Kriegstein. 2004. Cortical neurons arise in symmetric and asymmetric division zones and migrate through specific phases. Nat. Neurosci. 7: 136–144.
PubMed Link

Wang, X., J. W. Tsai, B. LaMonica, and A. R. Kriegstein. 2011. A new subtype of progenitor cell in the mouse embryonic neocortex. Nat. Neurosci. 14: 555–561.
PubMed Link

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