Chapter 7, Level 1 Self-Quiz: BII

Quiz Content

not completed
. Identify the main operator in the following WFF.

L ⊃ ~ P

not completed
. Identify the main operator in the following WFF.

(P • Q) ∨ ~ R

not completed
. Identify the main operator in the following WFF.

~ K ⊃ ~ P

not completed
. Identify the main operator in the following WFF.

[ (M ∨ P) ⊃ (Q ∨ R) ] ∨ (S • ~ P)

not completed
. Identify the main operator in the following WFF.

~ Q • P

not completed
. Identify the main operator in the following WFF.

L ⊃ (~ P ⊃ Q)

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