The Modern Woman 1860–1914

Quiz Content

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. The main factor that enabled the call for women's suffrage, and eventually the feminist movement, was _______.

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. A 19th century woman's place was considered to be in the _______.

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. John Stuart Mill's utilitarian philosophy meant that he thought women should be given political rights and equality before the law because _______.

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. Some of which of the following groups opposed women's suffrage?

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. Which of the following countries first allowed women into universities?

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. Socialist women focused their energies on _______.

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. A woman who worked peacefully and legally for women's rights was called _______

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. The first national suffrage society was founded in _______ in 1867.

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. The Women's Social and Political Union was founded by _______.

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. Tactics used by the suffragettes included _______.

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. _______ was a German feminist who founded the Society for the Protection of Mothers.

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. Stocker thought _______ was the greatest harm of gender inequity.

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. The US Comstock Law prevented _______.

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. Were the authors of the great works of literature exploring female identity mostly male or female?

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. Angelica Kauffman was famous for painting in the _______ style.

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. The famous French painter Louise Abbema painted both Sarah Bernhardt and Jeanne Samary, who were both _______.

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. At the beginning of the 19th century, only _______ had state-run primary schools.

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. Maria Montessori began her career as a _______.

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. The late 19th-century invention of the _______ allowed women a new freedom.

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. Qasim Amin intended Cairo University to be _______.

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. The Islamic state that had the loudest calls for reform of the position of women was _______.

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. The first schools for girls opened in the Ottoman Empire in the _______.

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When did the second wave of women's suffrage begin?

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What about this woman strikes you as "new"?

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Which of the following words most effectively describes the mood of this poster?

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