Chapter 13 Outline: Part II

Instructions go here.

  • informative purpose statement
  • information hunger
  • vocal citations
  • signposts
  • audience involvement
  • audience participation
  • models
  • diagrams
  • bar charts
  • line charts
  • simplicity
  1. The techniques of informative speaking help an audience understand and care about your topic.
    1. Formulate a specific
        . Create
          . Make it easy to listen. Use clear, simple language, a clear organization and structure, and effective supporting material featuring
            , brief explanations of the material’s source.
          • Emphasize important points through repetition and
            • Generate
                by personalizing your speech, encouraging
                  , using volunteers, and having a question and answer period.
              • Visual aids are graphic devices that illustrate or support ideas.
                1. Visual aids take a wide variety of forms, including objects and
                    ; photos, videos, and audio files;
                      , word and number charts; pie charts,
                        , column charts, and
                        • Several specialized programs exist to produce visual aids such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple’s Keynote, and Prezi. When a projector is unavailable, alternatives include chalkboards, poster boards, and handouts.
                        • Visual aids should be evaluated for
                            , size, attractiveness, appropriateness, and reliability.


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