Chapter 12 Outline: Part II

Instructions go here.

  • introduction
  • conclusion
  • transitions
  • example
  • analogy
  • anecdote
  • testimony
  • narration
  • citation
  1. Beginnings, endings, and transitions are critical in a speech.
    1. The
        captures the audience’s attention, previews main points, sets mood and tone, conveys the topic’s importance, and establishes the speaker’s credibility.
      • The
          should restate the thesis, review main points, and provide a memorable final remark.
          • keep the message moving forward while indicating how one section or point of the speech relates to another.
        • Supporting material is the flesh that fills out the skeleton of the speech.
          1. The functions of supporting material are to clarify, to prove, to make interesting, and to make memorable.
          2. Various types of supporting material include definition,
              , statistics,
                  , and quotation/
                    • tells a story or relates an incident with your information.
                        uses someone else’s work as a statement of fact, acknowledging the source.


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