Chapter 11 Outline: Part I

Instructions go here.

  • purpose statement
  • specific purpose
  • general purpose
  • thesis statement
  • audience analysis
  • demographics
  • attitude
  • beliefs
  • values
  • databases
  • survey research
  1. The three steps to preparing a speech are choosing a topic, determining your purpose, and finding information.
    1. Pick a topic that interests you. Pick a topic early. More time means more research and practice.
    2. The
        of your speech is expressed in a complete sentence that describes exactly what you want your speech to accomplish. This
          should stem from your overall
            to inform, persuade, or entertain.
          • The purpose statement should be results-oriented, specific, and realistic.
          • The
              informs listeners of the central idea of your speech.
          • Two things to always consider in preparing a speech: the audience and the occasion.
              • involves identifying and adapting your remarks to your listeners.
              • Audience members are there for a purpose that you need to know. Characteristics such as age, gender, cultural diversity, group membership, and so on are audience
                  . What is the audience
                    ? What are their
                        ? How many people will be in the audience?
                      • A second step in preparation takes into account the occasion: the time, place, and audience expectations.
                    • Now you are ready to gather information.
                      1. Use online research if you can verify its credibility, objectivity, and currency. Is the material accurate and truthful, is it non-biased, and is it recent?
                      2. Use library catalog sources, reference works, periodicals,
                          , and interviews for accurate information.
                            is another venue to explore for source material and involves distributing questionnaires to peers and other contributors.


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