Chapter 02: Communication and Your Self-Esteem

Chapter 02: Communication and Your Self-Esteem

Read the statement and choose the response that best describes you.

1. People enjoy talking to me. Mostly True Mostly False
2. If someone criticizes my work, I feel horrible. Mostly True Mostly False
3. When I face a difficult communication challenge, I know I can succeed if I work at it. Mostly True Mostly False
4. When people tell me they love me, I have a hard time believing it. Mostly True Mostly False
5. I am comfortable admitting when I am wrong. Mostly True Mostly False
6. People would like me more if I were better looking or more successful. Mostly True Mostly False
7. I feel confident making big decisions about my relationships. Mostly True Mostly False
8. I frequently let people down. Mostly True Mostly False
9. It is more important that I am comfortable with myself than that others like me. Mostly True Mostly False
10. I am frequently afraid of saying the wrong thing or looking stupid. Mostly True Mostly False


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